Who am I ?
Who am I ?
Who am I ?
My story
I am Helene Let, illustrator since 2018, I juggle between precision and scientific rigor and the creativity of youth illustration in the joy of living and openness. Y ou will recognize my images by their blue and purple tones, often imbued with nature and a hint of magic.
Who am I ?
My story
I am Helene Let, illustrator since 2018, I always have a thousand ideas in mind and I switch between scientific precision and the creativity of children illustration with a daily joie de vivre. You will recognize my work by their blue and purple tones, often imbued with nature and a hint of magic.

atypical path
Curious about everything, and constantly swinging between my childhood passions for drawing and biology, I finally chose to follow my own path and not give up on anything I could have regretted.
Everything seems to oppose them, but I feel arts and sciences meet and complement each other perfectly!
Graduated in animation films in 2016, I studied images, statics and in motion, and developed a love for color and narration.
I worked for studios in New Caledonia and Paris before my wish for independence and creative freedom made me start a carrer as a freelance illustratator in 2018. First for children literature, then little by little, for science illustration.
To satisfy my curiosity and understand the scientists' point of view in my work, I started a biology degree in 2020.
My story can be seen on a world map between my native place, Reunion Island, New Caledonia, Marseille and Paris. Each of these (French) places touched me in their own ways and had a strong influence on my work.
my values
Permanent good mood

Initially, I wanted to be a "Pirate Queen when I grow up". I'm not giving up, we have to believe in our dreams!
I have been growing a bit a madness and an unfailing sense of humor since 1993.
My heart remains heavy when I picture a velociraptor with feathers. Jurassic Park did not prepare us for paleontological discoveries...
My parents used to encourage me a lot to read, when I was 12 yo, my father gave me a book written by Maupassant, unusual present for a teenage girl. My favorite book? "Dangerous Liaisons" by Laclos, discovered in high school, it made me love classic literature!
I love rain, especially when it's noisy!
My dream projects? Drawing for a Natural History Museum, illustrating a popular science book for children and drawing a pirate story.